Extirpated from the crepitating bowels of the surging Death / Grind scene of the early nineties and became cult with their first platter of splatter released in 1991 by Wimp Records (LP) & Adipocere Recor ds (CD), PUTRID OFFAL slowly dissolved in formaldehyde by the middle of the decade... But that is not dead what sleeps and the thing got alive again 25 years after its inception offering a brand new vision of its art with the release of the proper PUTRID OFF AL debut, «Mature Necropsy» in 2015 soon followed by countless Europe tours and festivals appearances like their 2017 gig at worldf amous HELLFEST captured alive for a DVD release as a bonus of second full - length, «Sicknesses Obsessions» in 2020 again foll owed by a slaughter campaign on all of Europe soiled grounds. Now that their historical label KAOTOXIN / XENOKORP is left for dead, PUTRID OFFAL come back deadlier than ever and hungry for touring and gigging like a zombie for flesh ready to turn the crowd to pieces with their most brutal, to the point and mature a lbum to date, «Oblirated Life ». Battle rages on. The smell of death and canon powder is everywhere. Soldiers and horses are killed by dozens alike. Blood and innards flood the battlefield. It’s all about gore, sweat, fear and taking life’s or having you rs taken by the enemy but something can make a difference: how far would someone go to save the fallen? After the origins of pathology with the story of Vesalius with 2020’s “Sicknesses Obsessions”, Putrid Offal’s second full - length in 30 years, “Oblitera ted Life”, explores the life of Dominique - Jean Larrey (1766 - 1842) who invented the ambulance and practiced war medicine amputating soldiers right behind the frontline, opening rib cages, extirpating bullets from entrails and suturing bowels within the ranc id smell of ongoing septicemia and that’s exactly what our band of brothers in gore offers musically with this new effort! Violence? You bet? But again, there’s far more that meats the dead eye with these sick pathologists: stellar musicianship, relentles s grooves, face - melting bursts of raging blasts, gurgling growls and demented screams, served as a platter of splatter with an ample and massive production and mastering. “Obliterated Life” is definitely the band’s absolute masterpiece of rotted flesh off ering not only a total grinding virulence but sliced by neck breaking grooves and odd time signatures. A curveball of scholar pathologicism!