Obscure and luminous, naïve and serious, the duo formed by Maxime & Lio (Prince Harry, Komplikations, etc.) mixes opposites. It was during the harshest of lock-down, in an house haunted by pasts histories with in the heart of Athens that Rio was born from the desire of these two, to put into practice their common vision of musics. Machines, vocals, fragile but captivating lyrics: they record demos that will land in the analog compressors of Paulie Jan, a brilliant producer and arranger. These demos become a Debut LP where the soundscape recalls these fantastic French Synth Wave duos. We meet Deux, Ruth, Elie & Jacno and more recently : Essaie Pas. From nowadays interrogations to dreamy fantasies, Rio uses either french and greek lyrics to create a spleeny pop album between shadows and lights This disc is highlighted thanks to a fantastic triptych cover by Marie Pierre Brunel, Parisian painter and longtime support of the label.