

CD Digipack Ltd.
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Based in a small town near Modena (Italy), Browbeat formed in early 1998 from the ashes of local Hardcore and Metal bands with the intention to create the most intense music possible joining angst, heavine ss and aggressive vocals. just after few months the band signs with top independent Italian label Vacation House Records and in May 1999 Browbeat starts the recording sessions for the debut album No Salvation (VH041) - out in April 2000. "A monument engrav ed on marble.." fRumore Magazine), "..every sonorou s portiDn is a hammer blow Dn the listener back causing multiple breaks.." (Psycho! Magazine). The record is unleashed to unanimous critical acclaim by the Italian press and the band is announced as one of the best acts in Italy. But it s on the stage, when Browbeat starts touring all over Italy playing several headlining runs, where the band conquers the audience with powerful and enraged performances involving people in fearsome energy shows. With the ban d writing new stuff, Browbeat gets in touch with Br itish top - grade producer Dave Chang (Stampin GrDund, Earthtone9) and in August 2002 the band heads into the studio to start the recordings of the second album Audioviolence (CSK017). The record is the synt hesis of the band evolution blending haunting melodies, raged rapped vocal parts, throat - ripping growls, edged new school guitar riffs, paying also attention to the modern sounds of New Metal scene without loosing the sight of Browbeat roots.Chang capture s the feelings and the attitude of the band and the result is due not only to the recording process but to Chang emotional involvement as well. In late 2002 British Casket Music/Copro Records gets in touch with BrDwbeat and in january 2003 the band flies t o UK to ink a worldwide deal for the second album release Audioviolence (CSK017) out in April 2003. Browbeat toured Europe extensively both headlining and as suppDrt, like the UK tour with Skindred. They also supported with 50+ shaws and countless other ap pearances with hardcore legend RAW POWER.In 2017, B rowbeat announced their return after disbanding 10 years earlier with a new album “Remove the Control” (Indelirium Records). After the reunion the band played with Slapshot, First Blood, Sheer Terror, Madb all, HedPE, Cro - Mags, and in other headlining shows. During the pandemic, the band begins writing new material and returns in the studio to record "THE SHOWDOWN," (Self - produced) a 5 - piece EP released in january 2022. Now we are ready to hit hard an a new chapter with the new album. ALBUM OVERVIEW The general concept is a heavy denunciation and accusation against all those governments corrupted by the powerful multinationals that have been able to do their dirty interests, illegally exploiting environme ntal resources and limiting the freedoms of the populations. A fierce criticism has also been made against the majority of ignorant and stupid people who have been brainwashed by the media colluding with the power. A strong desire for otherworldly justice is also expressed by using the metaphor of Dante's inferno, in which the slothful and miserly of the present day, are punished for eternity by reliving the horror that arose from the mean deeds they committed in life